Plants vs. Zombies Legacy

Plants vs. Zombies Legacy 1.3.1

-Gold Magnet is now Popcorn
-Sea-shroom is now Roller-shroom
-Nerf gatling pea and freezytail
-Buff wall-nut and pumpkin, buff/nerf umbrella leaf
-Dancers, gargs, catapults, and zomboni were nerf in regards to their hp
-Flags and imploding were nerf in regards to their spawn tiers.
-Beghoulded and Beghoulded Twist have some of their plants changed
-Wall-nut bowling been reworked
-Wall-nut bowling 2 been replaced with Plant Wars 2
-Nerf the later roof levels and nerf some of the night roof stages
-6-6, 6-8, and 6-10 now gives the player more time to prepare
-Buff 1-10 to be harder
-Shop costs were changed
-You can only get a total of 8 seed slots in the main adventure (You'll have to finish 6-10 to get the 9th & 10th seed slots)
-Zombies will ignore potato mines while they are underground
-Some textures and text changes
Thanks Bayant for the Chinese translation
- 吸金磁现已成“爆米花”
- 水兵菇现已成“滚转爆炸菇”
- 削弱了机枪射手和猫冰草
- 加强了坚果和南瓜头,叶子保护伞同时得到了提升和减弱使之平衡
- 舞者、巨人、投石车和冰车僵尸血量降低 - 旗帜和内爆僵尸(原为扶梯)出怪率降低
- “宝石迷阵”与“宝石迷阵:旋转”关卡部分植物改动
- “坚果保龄球”关卡已重制
- “坚果保龄球2”关卡被替代成了“植物之战2”(即植物僵尸2)
- 削弱了冒险模式后面部分的屋顶关卡以及部分黑夜屋顶关卡 - 6-6、6-8和6-10现已给玩家更充足的时间做开局准备
- 加强了1-10使其变得更难 - 商店物品价格有更动 - 在冒险模式中最多只能使用八个卡槽槽位(6-10过关后方可在商店解锁其余两个槽位)
- 僵尸会无视还在地下/未冒出的土豆雷(即直接走过土豆雷)
- 更动了部分材质与游戏文本


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-Rework Slot Machine a bit
-Beghouled and Beghouled twisted has a higher match count now
-Alot of the puzzles stages have been tweaked where the vases in vasebreaker may contain different stuff then in the original game and I zombie has some different plants in some of the levels
-Tweak one piece of text in lawnstring
Chinese Translations (Thanks Bayant)
- 老虎机稍作更动
- “宝石迷阵” & “宝石迷阵:旋转”关卡配对数量要求增加
- 解谜模式中已进行大部分调整,其中就包括了“砸罐子”关卡里的东西相比原版有变化,以及部分“我是僵尸”关卡的预设植物有改动
- 调整了一段LawnString(游戏对应文本)的文字内容